Every Patient Package
Providing simulationists with the tools to create training scenarios that reflect the full range of humanity.
The solution for full representation in simulation.
To ensure your simulations accurately represent the diverse populations your learners will serve, The Every Patient Package fosters inclusivity and cultural awareness in healthcare education by offering wearable simulators in diverse skin tones.
Incorporating live people in simulation doesn’t have to be hard. We are here to help.
Book a meeting with one of our solutions consultants for more information.
The Every Patient Package Includes

This set includes one (1) base unit, three (3) interchangeable skin tones, and three lifelike babies (one of each skin tone), ensuring a diverse and inclusive simulation experience.

(3) Wearable tracheostomy simulators, is designed to replicate an anterior thorax so tracheostomy care and suctioning can be authentically replicated in simulation. (1 of each skin tone)

(3) Chest tube care simulators, replicates the intrathoracic pressures needed to realistically teach the assessment and care of a patient with a chest tube. (1 of each skin tone)

(3) Wearable auscultation simulators, offers an anatomically correct chest allowing learners to identify proper landmarks just as they would in the clinical setting. (1 of each skin tone)

(3) Wearable IV simulators worn as a left-arm sleeve, allows learners to practice high-fidelity IV insertion during simulation. (1 of each skin tone)

(3) Wearable central line simulators, two available options for central venous treatment and care, a right subclavian triple lumen or a left subclavian implanted port.
(1 of each skin tone)

(3) A wearable wound care simulator, replicates assessment, blanching, and practice providing care for all four stages of pressure wounds. (1 of each skin tone)

(3) Wearable urinary catheterization simulators, seamlessly replicates the human urinary system. Interchangeable male and female genitalia. (1 of each skin tone)

A three way communication device between the control room, patient, and Avkin simulators. 5 Avbands and 5 Apple iPads are included.

Simulated Blood Pressure Cuff
(3) blood pressure cuff simulator. Readings are controlled via a Wi-Fi on app interface.

Simulated Pulse Ox
3 simulated pulse oximeters. Readings are controlled by Bluetooth via app technology.

Simulated Thermometers
3 simulated thermometers. Readings are controlled by Bluetooth via app technology. .

10 Standardized Patient Certificates. Online training program for your standardized patients to learn the fundamentals and ASPE best practice.

24 simulations that compliment each wearable

Onsite standardized patient and wearable technology integration support from our AvMentor team.
We have better resources and technology than we did in the early 2000s and now we can use Avkin’s wearable simulators with live people which outweighs the current manikin technology.

It is refreshing to work with a company so committed to supporting the integration of products and the success of students, they don't leave you after the sale!

Avkin has put much thought and energy into diverse skin tones for their wearable simulators. The skin tones are a good representation of diverse patient populations for all types of simulation learning.

The possibilities are endless with what you have. Your product line is fantastic. If you are outfitting from scratch, far more value for your money to have these products than something that tells you end-tidal CO2, just my thoughts.

This product solves the problem that a lot of us have in simulation. When you practice on a piece of plastic, it’s just not the same experience for the student.

The creativity and realism of these products will immerse the healthcare learner more deeply in simulation education, ultimately improving patient safety.

I really cannot speak enough about how these products are improving my student’s theory application in the clinical environment and the improvement my students have shown with their skills dexterity.