For the next-generation healthcare professionals, realism is required to master the many skills they are expected to know. Avkin, Innov2Learn, and KBPort have partnered to create a true-to-life experience for students of all levels.
A major pain point in the current simulation is the fact there is no easy way to communicate patient vital signs. Most resort to an unrealistic ‘mysterious voice’ announcing vitals or have the patient just hand a slip of paper to the student. However, research shows this break, in reality, can impede learning.
The new Vital Signs Package provides educators the technology to realistically simulate the vital signs of any patient. All devices can be controlled via phone or desktop app and can replicate changes in an evolving simulation.
Innov2Learn’s Thermometer Plus and Oximeter devices were made to replicate equipment found in everyday clinics. KBPort’s BPSim is a realistic blood pressure cuff, even capable of replicating needle bounce. Finally, Avkin’s Avtone replicates heart and lung sounds, allowing learners to hear sounds appropriate to the simulation.
Included in the package are two tablets to manage the devices and two Avbands. The Avbands are communication devices allowing discrete communication between the Simulated Participant (SP, the actor portraying the patient) and the control room. LED lights can send signals from the control room, and a panic button allows the SP to communicate distress without breaking the simulation.
To learn more, visit the Vital Signs Package page.
Megan Weldon –
Founded in 2016 as a spinout company from the University of Delaware, Avkin was created by Amy Cowperthwait, a nursing simulationist. Frustrated with traditional simulation marketing, she founded Avkin to create high-fidelity wearables and educational services. These are designed to bring healthcare simulations to life thereby maximizing educational outcomes for learners of all skill levels. We currently offer seven wearable devices, as well as training for faculty, staff, and actors portraying patients. Avkin’s unique products and philosophy have earned it national attention, with awards including industry leader INACSL’s Haden VanGuard Lectureship Award, Best University Startup by the National Council of Entrepreneurial Tech Transfer, and even an appearance with Damon John on the Dr. Oz Show.